Quality Assurance

Long-lasting cultural programmes need safe and sustainable events that provide high quality experiences. The following quality assurances provide the pillars with which our expert team safeguard the future of your events:


The Event Umbrella advocates the use of British standards, HSE guidance and approved codes of practice, as well as other central or local government guidance or examples of case law that suggest specific working methods or standards are needed to meet the requirements of UK law.

Further to this, the team undertakes continual training and review of legislation and guidance, particularly in times of heightened risk such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every member of the team is trained to IOSH or equivalent level, holds a personal licence and is trained in First Aid. Additional training is given in emergency planning, crowd management, NEBOSH or equivalent and management leadership skills.

The Event Umbrella manages premises licences for a number of local authority sites across the South East and has knowledge and experience implementing specific legislation (as amended) and best practice including, but not limited to:

  • Licensing Act 2003
  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015
  • The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
  • The Fireworks Regulations 2004
  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1999
  • The Event Safety Guide HSE HSG195
  • Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks: Guidance on safe practice. HSG175
  • Managing Crowds Safely. A guide for organisers at events and venues. HSE HSG154
  • Food Safety Act 1990
  • Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 (HACCP)


By monitoring event safety and sustainability, we’ll improve the resilience of your programme, reducing the risk of major incidents and future-proofing your event. It is our goal to improve the commercial and environmental sustainability, and safety of your event programme.

We can review policies and plans for any activity you are hosting, including commercial, charity and community events. With our help, you can make sure everything in your programme is organised safely and to a standard your community will love.


We can carry out detailed background checks and obtain references for event organisers hiring your venue.
Trusting someone with your space is a necessary part of event planning but some careful steps can help you reduce any risk. We use our industry knowledge and contacts to check the background of event organisers and provide a report on their legitimacy and reputation, including any references they have, to help keep your land or indoor venue safe.


From the planning stage of an event or activity, advance liaison with key stakeholders and partner agencies through to onsite representation where required, including attending or convening Event Liaison Team meetings, The Event Umbrella monitors your place and the activities carried out there, at every level.


We manage contracts and deposits to make sure the systems are in place to look after your land or indoor venue. When required by the client or the space, we implement pre- and post-event inspections whenever the space is used.

Our in-depth understanding of your space, and the ways you want it protected, mean that our site inspections are thorough and ensure that all bases are covered. You get a pre- and post-event site inspection report, which includes photographic evidence of any damages and can even include estimated costs for repairs.

You can also add site tours to your inspection for any concerned local residents or stakeholders. This showcases the safety and management of your space, reassuring stakeholders that the event will run without any disturbances.

If there is ever an issue, such as damage to your property, we can also recoup the costs for you from your event organisers. This allows you to reinstate your space to the required standard as soon as possible.

Yearly Review

It’s our goal to foster a culture of continual improvement amongst the event organisers using your venue(s). We carry out effective yearly reviews throughout the contract (or as required) of both our service and of the activities within it. Where necessary individual post event evaluation reports will analyse the success of individual events and activities, allowing you to assess their place in your strategy and make adjustments where required for the years ahead.

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