Chatham Maritime Trust

The Chatham Maritime Trust (CMT) dates back to 1547 and currently holds over 350 acres of the site adjacent to the River Medway, and an area of the largest urban regeneration sites in Europe which continues to develop to this day.

As CMT’s events partner, we oversee any events held on their land. We secured and now manage the premises licence for Dock Square and act as Designated Premises Supervisor.We assist in the promotion and development of the land to visitors and residents and produce the annual Chatham Maritime Food and Drink Festival.

In 2017, we supported the CMT with the 350th anniversary of the Dutch Raid – Great Britain’s largest naval defeat at the hands of the Dutch. This is a huge event for Dutch and British naval and maritime enthusiasts and TEU will be programming a series of cultural and community events for locals and visitors alike.

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